The price of our privacy and tranquility is the lack of road coming up to the property. It can only be reached by staircase, comparable to climbing to the 5th floor. It would surely be an issue for anyone with mobility problems or for an aged person. Our parents (70+) find it tiring, but they just keep it slow.
Good news - we have a goods elevator used for luggage or any serious shopping.
Hundreds of birds singing in the morning, turtles and hedgehogs passing by, tiny bells of sheeps and goats from uphill farms heard in the forest... We love it :) But living in the natural environment has its backsides - like insects (from butterflies to mosquitos).
City water pressure can be low during the high season, so we use a water tank and pump to improve pressure. Please mind that in case of electricity blackout the pump doesn't work, and water pressure can be low.
During high summer season, 2-3 times a month some bars in the area organise parties, up to 1 am. Otherwise the place is super calm and quiet!
Being your only neighbours, we should mention that we have 2 kids (aged 11 & 3).