
Yoga Live Online
from Kotor Bay, Montenegro

Настройтесь на частоту нашей опэн-эйр йога студии - мы в онлайн эфире. Позвольте воздуху Адриатики наполнить ваш дом! Присоединяйтесь к нашим занятиям, виртуально переместившись на опушку средиземноморского леса с захватывающим видом на море и горы.
Выдерживая необходимую дистанцию, но вместе. На любом устройстве: ТВ, компьюторе, планшете или телефоне. Исследуйте вживую онлайн Традиционную Йогу с Адриатическим Уклоном!

Мы запускаем Онлайн Трансляции!

Погрузитесь и присутствуйте!
В эти времена неопределенности, особенно важно оставаться вместе, на связи. На связи друг с другом и на связи с практикой, поддерживая ум, тело и дух в форме.
Yogaboka types of live online classes
Regular Online Group Classes
We get together online and create powerful group energy to keep our practice going. Fully interactive - asanas and other yoga techiniques being explained and corrected. Almost as in real life
Personal Online Sessions
Designed for your needs, level, age and dosha / body type, be it your first step in yoga or an upgrade of your previous practice. Highly effective One-to-One 100 min long individual classes
Special Live Masterclasses
Join for these special events online! Every time we choose different subject especially valid and beneficial nowadays. Each Masterclass will be announced separately
Come together (online)
right now!
Sign up to be a part of Yogaboka online community:
get your first Group Class for free, be the first to know about Yogaboka Specials, find out all details about upcoming Masterclasses and more!
By completing this form you agree with Yogaboka Privacy Policy
Group classes schedule
Hatha-Kriya-Raja Yoga
Tuesday, 9.00 - 10.30
Thursday, 9.00 - 10.30
Central European Time (GMT +1)

Full time 90 minutes class: warm-up, asanas and kriyas, relaxation. In our classes we stay true to the real yogic tradition - moving through physical exercise to a more subtle levels of practice. Guidance and, most importantly, ongoing feedback and adjustments from the teacher during the session.
Open level, accessible for all. Welcome!

Meditation Lessons
Monday, 17.00 - 18.00
Friday, 17.00 - 18.00
Central European Time (GMT +1)

During this 60 min class we take it easy following the yogic approach to meditation - we begin with correct sitting postures, relaxation techniques, awareness on a breath. All this brings a type of inner attention that is quiet, concentrated and at the same time relaxed. We ask our mind to cool and slow down.
As a result we achieve a state of tranquility, awareness and enjoyment.
Open level. All are welcome!

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    Yogaboka Meditation Lessons
    During this crazy times we all live in now, everybody - starting from English Queen or CNN presenters to all kinds of mindfulness promoters - keep talking about benefits of Meditation. No doubt, it becomes now an important and much needed instrument we can all use. We all need to get grounded, balanced and cooled off.

    But how do we achieve this? What gets our mind and whole nervous system to cool and slow down? Why don't we always succeed, even if we try?

    During our meditation lessons we share the preparatory steps, developed by yoga system many centuries ago, needed to actually get to this state of meditation. We show how to sit right, how to fully relax, how to observe, how to follow your breath and go deeper. We keep it interactive, also giving feedback and adjusting.

    The methods we use are simple, easy to follow and manageable for all. The only thing which is truly vital - regularity. We have prepared for you regular weekly classes where we teach and guide step by step from the very beginning. Everyone can meditate and enjoy it.

    Join our classes, get calm and take it easy!

    Online classes fees
    Group yoga classes:
    First class is for free!
    Monthly fee - €40
    2 classes per week, 90 min each

    Group meditation classes:
    First class is for free!
    Monthly fee - €30
    2 classes per week, 60 min each

    Personal online session:
    One session - €50
    100 min, custom made class to fulfill your needs

    Online Masterclasses:
    We do them for free - as a gift to the community in times of quarantine.

    Subscribe to our newsletter to receive all the information about upcoming Masterclasses and Webinars and all kinds of specials!
      By completing this form you agree with Yogaboka Privacy Policy
      Your teacher
      All our online classes are led by highly experienced certified yoga teacher Max who is a Head Teacher at Yogaboka and also a yoga teacher at PMYC Sports Club (Porto Montenegro).
      Read more about Max here.
        SINCE April 2020
        How it works:
        Download it for free to your computer, smartTV, tablet, smartphone
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          Getting connected
          We are using for live-streaming classes to make it fully interactive. So get your free basic account and let's meet in the virtual world!
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          We recommend to make sure you have a strong internet connection - to get the best live-stream experience.
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          Technical details
          Zoom platform is easy to use and intuitive, but anyway we will send you the detailed instructions when you sign up for the class.
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          Joining the class on Zoom
          You will receive an e-mail just before the class with a link to access the session. You can then select "Join Meeting".
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          Your space
          Before the class, please set up a nice comfortable space with minimum disturbance for you, if possible. All you need is a yoga mat! You can use a folded blanket instead of seating cushion and a couple of heavy books instead of yoga brick if needed.
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